
Boris Balta - Director of Tuzla Film Festival

He was born in 1979 in Tuzla. Academy of Dramatic Arts in Tuzla graduated in 2004th in the class of professor Vlado Kerošević. He is Master of Science in patriarchal gender norms and stereotypes in the film BH 80's, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo. Currently, he is employed at the National theatre in Tuzla, as actor.

He is founder and president of the NGO Magic Factory (culture, minorities and gender equality). He created the International Advisory Board, which includes a network of 50 worldwide recognized experts, he urged them to work in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the transfer of know-how and promote the concept of "Alternative Masculinities" in the Balkans, achieving gender equality, reconciliation and social inclusion through media and culture.

He is a creator and initiator of the project Tuzla Film Festival.


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Ajša Mevkić,  - PR of Tuzla film festivala

She graduated in 2005 from Faculty of Philosophy in Tuzla, Department of Journalism. During the study, she worked at Radio Soli, daily newspaper San, and after she had graduated, she was employed at the 'Radio Kameleon ', where she worked for about four years as a reporter and editor newspaper 'Cafe' . As a member or leader of the PR team, she has actively participated in the realization of large projects such as: Guinness record in the world's largest group kiss, Manifestation 'Ruke na poklon', which was implemented in Bihać, Brčko, Banja Luka, Tuzla and Sarajevo, II Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology BiH, Tuzla, Congress of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery,Tuzla, 22nd Symposium of Infectious Diseases of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, First International Congress of pathologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, The first symposium on the prevention and treatment of chronic wounds Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, First psychotherapeutic symposium with international participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina called Silence in psychotherapy and community, Ophthalmologists Congress organized by the Association of Ophthalmologists FBiH and RS with international participation, Literary Encounters 'Cum grano salis', Manifestation 'Women of the year'. As coordinator and PR, she has worked on projects Tourist Board TK. She continued professional development in school education program for public relations and this program was made by methodological standards of The Centre for Strategy and Communications London


Ajša Mevkić was working five years as head of the PR sector in Bosnian Media Group Tuzla, a company that is specialized in public relations.


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  Ernad Ćosić - Project coordinator of Tuzla Film Festival



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 Jasmina Kadrić - Project coordinator of Tuzla Film Festival




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