Monday, 07 October 2019 10:57



The Creation of The World (Stvaranje svijeta)

Reditelj: Antonio Coello
Tranje: 00:10:00
Zemlja: Mexico

Mit o stvaranju adaptiran je u animirani kratki film koji su snimila autohtona djeca i stariji.

The creation myth is adapted into an animated short film made by Seri indigenous children and elders.

THE BALL'S RUN (Trka lopte)

Reditelj: Hermes Mangialardo
Tranje: 00:03:00
Zemlja: Italy

Na igralištu se dijete pokušava igrati sa ostalom djecom pokušavajući na svaki način uhvatiti obojenu kuglu, simbol integracije sa zajednicom ... ali lopta postaje sve dalje i dalje, dok se svijet oko njega mijenja, a on postaje sve više i neodređen i počinje nestajati.

In a playground a child tries to play with the others children trying in every way to catch the colored ball, symbol of integration with the community... but the ball gets farther and farther away, while the world around him changes and he becomes more and more indefinite and start to disappear.

Balance (Balance)

Reditelj: Raymond Limantara
Tranje: 00:03:38
Zemlja: Singapure

Dječak i djevojčica bore se za slikanje prostora, oboje se odbijaju predati sve dok nered koji oni stvore ne izmakne kontroli.

A boy and girl fight for painting space, both refusing to give in until the mess they create goes out of control.

Miracle of Misha (Mišino čudo)

Reditelj: Liza Chernobay
Tranje: 00:03:08
Zemlja: Russian Federation

Dječak zvan Miša potpuno je sam na Badnjak. Kao što se i očekivalo takvog dana, njegov se san ostvaruje i nespretni prijatelj kojeg je nacrtao zaživi. Cijeli dan provode zajedno zabavljajući se, ali nacrtani muškarac zna da Miši treba pravi prijatelj, a ne imaginarni. Dolaze do klizališta na kojem Miša nailazi na dječaka koji nosi jednako čudan šešir u obliku životinje kao i on sam. Tu počinje prelijepo prijateljstvo, pa se crtani čovjek vraća sa svojim osjećanjem ostvarenja.

A boy called Misha is all alone on Christmas Eve. As expected on such a day his dream comes true and a clumsy friend he drawn comes to life. They spend the whole day having fun together, but the drawn man knows that Misha needs a real friend, not an imaginary one. They come to the ice rink where Misha stumbles upon a boy wearing the same strange animal hat as himself. That’s where the beautiful friendship begins, so the drawn man returns to his drawn world with the sense of accomplishment.

VAF 2018 (VAF 2018)

Reditelj: Jessica Laurent
Tranje: 00:10:44
Zemlja: Denmark

Dvije djevojke u dvije zemlje nisu toliko različite kao što se čini. Može li zeleni pas VAF pomoći da to shvate? Godine 2018. na festivalu VAF, Francuska je upoznala Dansku i zajedno su svaki dan otvarali festivalske projekcije. VAF aka "Viborg Animation Festival" najveći je animacijski festival u Danskoj. Održao se u Viborgu od 24. do 30. septembra 2018. godine, a njegova maskota je zeleni pas VAF.

Two girls in two countries are not as different as they seem to be. Can the VAF green dog help them to realize that? In 2018 at the VAF festival, France met Denmark and together they opened each day the festival screenings. VAF aka "Viborg Animation Festival" is the biggest animation festival in Denmark. It took place in Viborg from the 24 to 30 of September 2018 and its mascot is the VAF green dog. 

A Universal Love Story (Univerzalna ljubavna priča)

Reditelj: Natalie MacMahon
Tranje: 0:08:57
Zemlja: Germany

“Univerzalna ljubavna priča“ je naučno-fantastična drama na esperantu o mogućnosti pronalaženja ljubavi u bezličnom svijetu u dalekoj budućnosti, u kojoj je svako toliko fokusiran na sebe, da izgleda gotovo nemoguće povezati se sa drugom osobom. Ostalo je samo sjećanje na ljubav i nada da ćemo je ponovo doživjeti. Čini se da je ponekad iz drugog svemira potrebno čudo da pokrenete revoluciju.

 “A Universal Love Story” is a sci-fi drama in Esperanto about the possibility of finding love in an impersonal world in the distant future, where everyone is so focused on himself, that it seems almost impossible to connect to another person. All that’s left is the memory of love and the hope to experience it one more time. It seems that sometimes it takes a miracle from a different universe to start a revolution.

You used to bring me flowers (Nekada si mi donosio cvijeće)

Reditelj: Nofar Schweitzer
Tranje: 00:04:44
Zemlja: Israel

Animacijski kratki film o muško-ženskim odnosima kroz gest davanja cvijeća. Tehnika je 2D animacija u kombinaciji sa markama cvijeća sa tintom. Čovjek krade cvijeće. Apetit mu raste kako sve više krade. Pratimo ga dok skuplja cvijeće različitih žena. Od lopova koji je osjetljiv na poglede prolaznika, čovjekov pogled postaje nametljiviji, prodiruće u domove i intimne prostore. Napokon skuplja cvijeće iz cijelog grada i pravi buket kao gest za ženu.

An animation short film about male-female relations through the gesture of giving flowers.  The technique is 2D animation combined with ink stamps of flowers.  A man steals flowers. His appetite grows as he steals more. We follow him as he picks the flowers of different women. From a thief who is sensitive to the gaze of passersby, the man's gaze becomes more intrusive, Penetrating homes and intimate spaces.  Finally he collects flowers from the whole city and makes a bouquet as a gesture for a woman.

The Death of Don Quixote (Smrt Don Kihota)

Reditelj: Miguel Faus
Tranje: 00:13:07
Zemlja: United Kingdom

London, 1968. Alphonse, mladi i ambiciozni filmski stvaralac, pokušava dovršiti svoje najveće kinematografsko djelo do sada „Smrt Don Kihota“. No, s njegovom velikom zvijezdom, Patrickom Quinceyjem, koji se razboli, nije jasno šta će prvo umrijeti: njegova vizija, Patrick ili Don Kihot. "Sjajno je!" (Terry Gilliam)

London, 1968. Alphonse, a young and ambitious filmmaker, attempts to complete his greatest cinematic work yet, "The Death of Don Quixote". But with his ageing star, Patrick Quincey, falling ill, it's unclear what will die first: his vision, Patrick or Don Quixote.  "It's brilliant!" (Terry Gilliam)

God has already gone ahead (Bog je otišao)

Tranje: 00:10:00
Zemlja: Germany

Egipatske guske marširaju kroz vijekove: Iz perspektive ptica ispričana je vijekovna povijest naseljavanja. Dok nivo vode u bazenu i dalje opada, stanovnicima je voda podignuta. Na kraju, ništa ne ostaje kako je bilo, samo guska ne sumnja ništa loše.

The Egyptian geese marches through the ages: From the bird´s perspective, a centuries-long settlement history is told. While the water level in the pond continues to fall, the inhabitants have the water up the neck. In the end, nothing stays as it was, only the goose suspects nothing bad.

At Sea (Na moru)

Reditelj: Anne Madeleine Mancosu
Tranje: 00:11:55
Zemlja: Switzerland

Život na brodu ribarske vučne mreže odbačen je kad ribari spase mladu izbjeglicu iz mora. Kako se odlučuje o njenoj sudbini, mišljenja i odnosi na brodu se mijenjaju.

Life aboard a fishing trawler is overthrown when the fishermen rescue a young refugee from the sea. As her fate is to be decided, the opinions and relationships aboard shift. 

Open Minded (Otvorenog um)

Reditelj: David Nguyen
Tranje: 00:03:54
Zemlja: Switzerland

Luda avantura djevojke koja želi da otvori svoj um.

The crazy adventure of a girl who wants to open her mind.

Trap (Zamka)

Reditelj: Paul James
Tranje: 00:12:00
Zemlja: New Zealand

Mlada djevojka bori se za osjećaj pripadnosti.

A young girl fights for a sense of belonging.

Eva (Eva)

Reditelj: Paolo Budassi
Tranje: 00:15:00
Zemlja: Italy

Istraga, dvije porodice, prekinuta strast. Koliko daleko neko mora ići da bi znao da je to protiv zakona?

An investigation, two families, an interrupted passion. How far does one have to go knowing it’s against the law?

Mr. Hugo (Mr. Hugo)

Reditelj: François Le Guen
Tranje: 00:17:13
Zemlja: France

G. Hugo je sanjar i originalni muzejski nadzornik. Tko bi mogao posumnjati da se iza tog nonšalantnog izgleda skriva misteriozni umjetnik koji izlaže svoje radove ne pitajući nikoga?…

Mr. Hugo is a daydreamer and original museum supervisor. Who could have suspected that behind this nonchalant appearance hid an mysterious artist who exhibits his works without asking permission from anyone?…


Reditelj: Gökhan Ipekkan
Tranje: 00:04:36
Zemlja: Turkey

Jednog dana jedna djevojka naiđe na divlje stvorenje. Vodi je na put svog stvaranja i smrti.

One day, one girl encounters with a wild creature. It takes her to a journey of her creation and death.

This is a Robbery (Ovo je pljačka)

Reditelj: Anna Korchagina, Ivan Stepanov
Tranje: 00:10:40
Zemlja: Russian Federation

Noć. Kancelarija. Lopov, lovac na štampače i drugi sitni plijen, pronalazi sef sa puno novca, ali šef koji zna lozinku odluči se objesiti. Lopov ga uhvati za rub stola. Sada lopov treba otkriti lozinku, a šef, sa omčom na vratu, mora dovršiti pokušaj samoubistva, ali bez davanja novca. Postaje kompliciranije neočekivanim posjetom pomoćnika, koji također želi opljačkati svog šefa.

A night. An office. A thief, hunter for printers and other small loot, finds a safe with a lot of money, but a boss who knows the password decides to hang himself. The thief catches him at the edge of the table. Now the thief needs to find out the password, and the boss, with a noose on his neck, needs to complete his suicide attempt, but without giving his money away. It becomes more complicated with unexpected visit of an assistant, who also wants to rob his boss.

Evaluation (Evaluacija)

Reditelj: Eyal Tzadik, Yotam Kislev
Tranje: 00:14:35
Zemlja: Israel

Irit, službenik za dobrobit, posećuje dom Saše i Nitzana kako bi procjenio Sašino mentalno stanje. Ona se ne čini voljnim za suradnju, pokušavajući da s njom podijeli važnu istinu za koju se čini da je ignorira.

Irit, a welfare officer, visits the home of Sasha and Nitzan in order to evaluate Sasha`s mental condition. He doesn't seem willing to cooperate, trying to share with her an important truth she seems to ignore.

Dockers (U Luci)

Reditelj: Jose Angel Montiel
Trajanje: 00:19:07
Zemlja: Spain

U noći, istovar broda koji prevozi drva iz Bornea, utiče na rad luke kada se u tromeđi otkrije nešto živo. Alan, mladi agent na dužnosti, mora pronaći rješenje u okruženju duboke moralne krize.

In the night, the unloading of a ship carrying timber from Borneo, alters the functioning of a port when something alive is discovered down in the hold. Alan, a young agent on duty, must find a solution in an environment of profound moral crisis.

The Golden Garden (Zlatni vrt)

Reditelj: Wim Jongedijk
Trajanje: 00:06:59
Zemlja: Netherlands

Eksperimentalni muzički film / video Zlatni vrt o ljubavi. Moj najbolji analogni film.

Experimental music film/video The Golden Garden about Love. My best analoge film.


Reditelj: Noémi d'Ursel, Laura Bossicart
Trajanje: 00:11:11
Zemlja: Belgium

Jedne noći, dok Elisabeth kipira u svom ateljeu njena majka neočekivano svrati. Susret je naporan kao i uvijek, a čini se da dvije žene nemaju ništa zajedničko. Kako ih noć zbližava možda će se konačno biti u mogućnosti da vode jedna drugu u novom svjetlu.

One night, while Elisabeth is sculpting in her studio, her mother drops by unexpectedly.The encounter is tense as always and the two women seem to have nothing in common. As the night brings them closer, perhaps they will finally be able to see each other in a new light.

Bosa (Bosa)

Reditelj: Aitana Serrallet
Trajanje: 00:13:05
Zemlja: Spain

When Lucas finds out that Driss, his best friend, has been sent back to Morocco with his uncle, decides to start a crazy adventure and go to look for him in a forbidden trip to the other side of the strait in the opposite direction that the illegal trip it is done. In Morocco he’ll meet Ibrahim, a subsaharan that is waiting for an opportunity to cross the fence in the Spanish/Moroccan border, and a another close friendship will be born between them.

Kad Lucas sazna da je Driss, njegov najbolji prijatelj, vraćen u Maroko sa svojim ujakom, odlučuje započeti ludu avanturu i krene ga potražiti na zabranjenom putovanju na drugu stranu tjesnaca u suprotnom smjeru da je ilegalno putovanjegotovo. U Maroku će sresti Ibrahima, subsaharana koji čeka priliku da pređe ogradu na španskoj / marokanskoj granici, a među njima će se roditi još jedno blisko prijateljstvo.

Lemons (Limuni)

Reditelj: Simon Werdmüller von Elgg
Trajanje: 00:13:03
Zemlja: United States

Usamljeni misionar je pozvan u veličanstven dom tajanstvene starije žene. Uljudan razgovor uz slatki čaj postepeno se odvija kako se njih dvoje razumiju. Dok istražuje njen dom, shvata da njegove sumnje počinju samo izgrebati površinu užasne istine, forsirajući ga da se suoči sa vlastitom oštećenom prošlošću.

A lone missionary is invited into the stately home of a mysterious older woman. Polite conversation over sweet tea gradually unravels as the two grasp to understand one another. While exploring her home, he comes to realize his suspicions only begin to scratch the surface of a terrible truth, forcing him to confront his own damaged past.


Reditelj: Katy Milner
Trajanje: 00:04:00
Zemlja: United Kingdom

Čovjekova svakodnevna šetnja psa iznenada se pogorša.

A man's daily dog walk takes a turn for the worse.

Ford/The People

Reditelj: Daniel Hackborn
Trajanje: 00:05:45
Zemlja: Canada

Kratki dokumentarni film koji istražuje ljude koji protestvuju protiv politike Doug Forda. Koristeći snimke iz nekoliko prosvjeda i intervjue sa Studentima za 15AndFairness, film gleda ljude koji rade protiv Douga Forda i govori nam da on ipak mozda I nije za narod. Snima se isključivo na mobilnim kamerama (iPhone, Samsung tablet).

Short Documentary exploring the people that are rising up to speak out against Doug Ford's policies. Using footage of several protests, and interviews with Students for 15AndFairness, the film takes a look at the people who are working against Doug Ford, and telling us he may not, after all, be for the people.  Shot exclusively on mobile cameras (iPhone, Samsung tablet). 

The Safe Zone

Trajanje: 00:02:48
Zemlja: Turkey

Umrli ste. Počivajte u miru i dobrodošli u Sigurnu Zonu.

You have died. Rest in peace and welcome to the Safe Zone.

Where did the bunny go?

Reditelj: Benő Baranyi
Trajanje: 00:07:42
Zemlja: Hungary

Momak i djevojka šetaju sa psom u gustoj šumi. Pas I nevinost su izgubljeni

A boy and a girl walking with a dog in a dense forest. The dog and the virginity are lost.


Reditelj: Antonio Chavez Trejo
Trajanje: 00:08:30
Zemlja: United States

Eris, mlada problematična žena kreće u introspektivni put dok njena depresija raste, prisiljavajući se da propituje razloge svog postojanja, dok ju tama u njoj počinje iskušavati da jednom i zauvijek zaustavi depresiju i bol.

Eris a young tormented woman goes into an introspective path as her depression grows, forcing to question herself the reasons of her existence while the darkness within her begin to tempt her to put an end to the depression and pain once and for all.

The Pit

Reditelj: Tilbe Cana İnan
Trajanje: 00:10:27
Zemlja: Turkey

Pit je 11-minutna psihološka drama o dvojici mafijaša. Nakon što nije uspio obaviti posao koji mu je zadan, Zafer, mladi mafijaš, pokušava pokriti svoj neuspjeh od svog nadređenog, Ahmeta. Na plaži, gdje dvojica odlaze kako bi dovršili misiju, Ahmet saznaje za Zaferov neuspjeh i započinje s testiranjem Zaferove muškosti. To će zauvijek promijeniti odnos između njih dvojice.

The Pit is a 11-minute, psychological drama about two mobsters.   Having failed to do the job he was given, Zafer, a young mobster, tries hiding his failure from his superior, Ahmet. At the beach the two go to finish the mission, Ahmet finds out about Zafer’s failure and begins testing Zafer’s manhood. This will change the relationship between the two forever.

Green Army

Reditelj: Nicolas Kieffer
Trajanje: 00:18:30
Zemlja: France

Grupa ekoloških terorista suočava jednog milionera sa zanimljivom misijom.

A groupe of ecological terrorists confines a billionaire with a curious mission. 

The Idealist

Reditelj: Amir Rezazadeh
Trajanje: 00:11:13
Zemlja: Denmark

Idealnog ljetnjeg dana, žena izlazi u svoje dvorište da se opusti! Ali odjednom čuje pozive u pomoč!

An idol summer day a woman go to her backyard to relax! But suddenly she hears ends shouting for help!

Her exit, Chekhov style

Reditelj: Aleksandra Artemeva
Trajanje: 00:04:41
Zemlja: Russian Federation

Čehova heroina odlučila je suprugu dokazati svetost njene prirode, a on je otkrio njeno pravo lice, stavljajući se pred moralni izbor.

Chekhov's heroine decided to prove to the husband the sanctity of her nature, and he revealed her true face, putting before the moral choice.

Three Wise Men - An Easter Egg tale

Reditelj: Love Ekenberg, Jon Karlung, Lars In de Betou
Trajanje: 00:03:53
Zemlja: Sweden

Kratki film o neodoljivoj potrebi za otkrivanjem i kontrolom ponašanja ljudi, ali bez uspjeha. Norni su norveška mitološka ženska bića. One oblikuju sudbinu ljudi, pa čak i bogova. Slučajno se podudaraju s drugima, također modernijim, upravljačima ljudske sudbine. Da bi kontrolirali, potrebne su im informacije, a prikupljanje podataka o vašem osobnom životu daleko nadilazi ono što vi zamislite. Oni znaju gdje ste bili i sve što ste ikada pretraživali i sve što ste izbrisali, aplikacije koje koristite, događaje kojima prisustvujete i vašu shemu vježbanja. Oni mogu pristupiti vašoj web kameri i slušati vaš mikrofon. A ovo je tek početak. Nakon toga počinju obrađivati ​​podatke.

A short movie on the irresistible need to detect and control peoples behaviour, but to no avail. The Norns are female beings in Norse mythology. They shape the destiny of men and even gods. Accidentally, they correspond quite well to others, also more modern, controllers of humans' destiny. To control, they need information, and the harvesting of your personal life goes far beyond what you imagine. They know where you’ve been and everything you’ve ever searched and everything you have deleted, the apps you use, the events you attend and your workout schema. They can access your webcam, and they can access your microphone. And this is only the start. Then they start processing the data.


Reditelj: Jennifer Sabel,  Benjamin Kramme
Trajanje: 00:10:48
Zemlja: Germany

Dvanestogodišnju Roxy odgajao je u zaštićenom okruženju njen ekološki svjestan otac, u uvjerenju da joj je majka umrla kada je bila dijete. Jedne večeri Roxy zahtijeva da sazna više. No, je li romantična priča njezina oca istinita? Komično svjetlucavi pogled na rodne stereotipe.

Twelve-year-old Roxy is raised in a sheltered environment by her eco-conscious father, believing that her mother died when she was a baby. One evening Roxy demands to learn more. But is her father‘s romantic tale true?  An eye-twinkling comedic take on gender stereotypes.

The Yarn

Reditelj: Gökçe Pehlivanoğlu
Trajanje: 00:10:00
Zemlja: Turkey

Grčko-turski par i njihova mala kćerka, koji su prihvatili život u prirodi kao životni stil, putuju sa svojim karavanima pored Egejskog mora. Ovaj put, međutim, njihovo putovanje završava fantastičnim odrazom priče koju roditelji ispričaju svojoj kćeri.

A Greek-Turkish couple and their little daughter, that have adopted living in nature as a life style, travel with their caravan in the seaside of the Aegean Sea. This time however, their journey ends with a fantastic reflection of a tale that the parents tell to their daughter.

Little Con Lili

Reditelj: Gabriela Garcia Medina
Trajanje: 00:09:40
Zemlja: United States

LILI, desetogodišnja kubansko-američka djevojčica koja bi trebala raditi domaću zadaću, ali umjesto toga, odluči uživati ​​u ležernom popodnevu, sama doma, jesti svu omiljenu hranu i slušati svoj omiljeni bend, Air Supply. Sve je u redu dok njezina majka (NORMA) ne bude otpuštena s posla zbog krađe toaletnog papira i prodaje Pop Tarts-a gostima. Kad se Norma neočekivano rano vrati kući, Lili mora požuriti da uvjeri majku kako sve vrijeme radi domaću zadaću.

LILI, is a 10 year old Cuban-American girl who should be doing her homework, but instead, decides to enjoy a leisurely afternoon, home alone, eating all her favorite foods, and listening to her favorite band, Air Supply. All's well, until her mother (NORMA) is fired from work for stealing toilet paper and selling Pop Tarts to guests. When Norma comes home unexpectedly early from work, Lili must hustle to con her mother into believing she'd been doing her homework the entire time.


Reditelj: Manuel Moreno Lee
Trajanje: 00:05:30
Zemlja: United States

U zemlji gdje je nestalo sunca, mlada djevojka zaputila se u avanturu.

In a land where the sun has disappeared, a young woman embarks on a quest.


Reditelj: João Monteiro
Trajanje: 00:14:00
Zemlja: Portugal

U portugalskom predgrađu, José slavi svoj 18. rođendan. U ruke mu pada srebrna ogrlica koju mu je ponudio stariji brat. Nakon ovoga, film poprima nostalgičan odraz identiteta izgubljene obitelji.

In a portuguese suburb, José celebrates his 18th birthday. A silver necklace falls in his hands, offered by his older brother. In the aftermath of this present, the film assumes a nostalgic reflexion about the identity of a lost family.

The Last Man on Earth Sat Alone in a Room

Reditelj: Junyi Xiao
Trajanje: 00:02:29
Zemlja: China

Posljednji čovjek na Zemlji sjedio je sam u sobi. A onda je neko pokucao na vrata…

"The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door ..."

Wolf Sheep Cabbage

Reditelj: Goran Ribarić
Trajanje: 00:14:55
Zemlja: Croatia

Na temelju autobiografskih motiva. Mark je mladić koji svoje slobodno vrijeme provodi u autobusu, obilazeći svoju rutu. Ostali putnici mu ne pomažu u rješavanju naizgled nemoguće zagonetke koju mu je dao njegov omiljeni vozač autobusa. Mjenjaju se smjene I vozači, putnici odlaze i dolazi večer, ali Mark nikad ne izlazi.

Based on autobiographical motifs. Mark is a young boy who spends his free time on the bus, circling his route. Other passengers are not helping him in solving the seemingly impossible riddle that his favorite bus driver has given him. The driver shifts are changing, the passengers are leaving and evening is coming, but Mark never goes out.

Up and down - the wheel goes round

Reditelj: Christopher Aaron
Trajanje: 00:12:55
Zemlja: Austria

"Up and down - the wheel goes round" je multimedijska animacija. Nakon dugog puta traženja i lutanja oko sebe, čovjek se nađe u krugu iz kojeg, čini se, nema izlaza. Pojedinci, zbunjeni i izolirani, bore se potpuno sami. Je li moguće pobjeći od ovog konstrukta ili smo mi ti koji stojimo na putu prevladavanja ovog vječnog ciklusa?

"Up and down - the wheel goes round" is a cross-media animation. After a long journey of searching and straying around a man finds himself in a cycle from which there seems to be no way out. Individuals, confused and isolated, fight on their own. Is it possible to escape this construct or are we the ones who stand in the way of overcoming this eternal cycle?


Reditelj: Ronnie Cramer
Trajanje: 00:05:10
Zemlja: United States

Pet stotina godina svjetske umjetnosti u pet minuta sadrži tridesetak ikoničnih djela izvedenih flomasterom i animiranim stilom stare škole. Svaka je slika na zaslonu tri sekunde; prijelazi između njih također traju po tri sekunde svaki. Sačinjeno od 2.500 pojedinačnih crteža, s glazbenim zvučnim zapisom koji je stvorio umjetnik.

Five hundred years of world art in five minutes, featuring three dozen iconic works rendered with nylon-tip pen and animated old school style. Each painting is onscreen for three seconds; the transitions between them also last three seconds each. Made up of 2,500 individual drawings, with a musical soundtrack created by the artist.

When Father Went Biking

Reditelj: Zuko Garagic
Trajanje: 00:10:46
Zemlja: Czech Republic

Otuđeni otac s ranom pojavom demencije namjerava obrijati glavu nakon što je otkrio da je njegova kćer prisiljena nositi periku. Kratki film usredotočuje se na grubost starenja i žrtve koju pravimo za obitelj, istovremeno prikazuje Alzheimerovu bolest i demenciju u prirodnom obliku. Namjera je stvoriti vrlo sirovu i humanističku priču koja ima vrlo dokumentaristički osjećaj. To je srdačna priča u kombinaciji s osjećajem tame slične filmovima Emira Kusturice ili Roberta Rossellinija.

An estranged father with early onset dementia sets out to shave his head after discovering his daughter has been forced to wear a wig.   The short film focuses on the harshness of growing old and the sacrifices we take on for family while also depicting Alzheimer's disease and dementia in its natural form. The intent is to make a very raw and humanistic story that has a very documentary-like feel. It's a heartwarming story combined with a sense of darkness similar to Emir Kusturica or Roberto Rossellini films.


Reditelj: Raúl Koler, Emiliano Sette
Trajanje: 00:14:58
Zemlja: Argentina

Anacronte i vračari zla, bez imalo emocija i ispunjenja svoje sudbine, testirali su čovjekovu sreću u borbi koju, ukratko, svaki od nas ima kao pobjednika i gubitnika.

Anacronte and the Sorcerers of Evil, without any emotion and fulfilling their destiny, they put to test humanity's happiness in a struggle that, in short, has each of us as winners and losers. 


Reditelj: Alejandro Ortega Zaldívar
Trajanje: 00:17:11
Zemlja: Mexico

Mladi skitnica pronalazi kartu za film, te se u kinu susreće s onom najgorom publikom koja mu ne dopušta da uživa u filmu, to će pogodovati nizu događaja koji će zauvijek promijeniti život skitnice. Napomena: ovo je engleska inačica, postoji i španjolska verzija sa svim naslovima i ekranima na španjolskom

A young vagabund finds a movie ticket, inside the movie theatre he meets with the worst audience that won’t let him enjoy the film, this will unhinge a series of events that will change the vagabund life forever. Note: this is the english version, the spanish version also exists with all the titles and screens in Spanish


Reditelj: Marcos Bonisson, Khalil Charif
Trajanje: 00:13:33
Zemlja: Brazil

Film postavljen u susjedstvu Copacabane, razrađen kolažem trenutnih i arhivskih slika (Super 8 i digital). Eksperimentalno djelo pripovjedano značajnim govorom pjesnika Faustoa Fawcetta, a sonorizirao ga je glazbenik Arnaldo Brandão.

Film set in the neighborhood of Copacabana, elaborated through a collage of current and archive images (Super 8 and digital). An experimental work narrated by the significant speech of the poet Fausto Fawcett, and sonorized by the musician Arnaldo Brandão.

To Feel Your Broken Arms

Trajanje: 00:13:56
Zemlja: Spain

Luz je djevojčica koja pokazuje jasan talenat za  sestrinsko zvanje nakon sudbonosne nesreće svog oca. Uz snažnu želju da ponovo bude u naručju svoga oca, Luz će oko ograničenog života svog oca stvoriti svemir, dajući nadu njihovim životima, sve dok jednog dana sve ne prestane.

Luz is a little girl who shows a clear nursing vocation after her father's fateful accident. With the strong desire to feel again in the arms of her dad, Luz will create around her father's limited life a universe, giving hope to their lives, until one day, everything stops.

Sérendipité de Deux

Trajanje: 00:13:04
Zemlja: United Kingdom

Edin je napustio Bosnu kao malo dijete u ranim 90-ima, a slaba, ali duboko usađena sjećanja na rat i dalje ga muče. Kad trči, osjeća euforiju, maštu i odsječenost od svijeta, ali počinje razmišljati o tome jesu li se ti osjećaji proširili izvan njegovih spoznaja nakon što otkrije nešto tajanstveno na jutarnjem trčanju do vrha brda.

Edin left Bosnia as a young child in the early 90’s, and the faint yet deeply embedded memories of the war continue to plague him. When he runs, he feels euphoria, imagination and disconnection, but begins to contemplate whether those feelings have extended beyond his grasp after he discovers something mysterious on a morning run to the hilltops.

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