On the day of 07.08 , year 2014 at the rooms of BIT center in Tuzla, there was held a first meeting of the volunteers who will be employed during the preparations for the realization of the 3rd Tuzla Film Festival. Besides the preparations , Volunteers will also be employed during the entire duration of the Film Festival on different positions : Secretaries of the Jury, acreditation board , welcoming of the guests, promotion of the festival and so on.
On today's meeting, we have arranged the work principle and the engagement of the volunteers, for the purpose of the best realization of planned activities of the Festival, but also for the purpose of creating the best possible atmosphere of the new team of volunteers. After the ending of the engagement related to the Tuzla Film Festival, all volunteers will get a contract and the confirmation of their work on their work on the festival.
3rd Tuzla Film Festival will be held from 10th of September to 14th September of the year 2014. Projections of the movies will be held on three locations , „Bosanski Kulturni Centar“ , Cinema „Kaleidoskop“ & „Narodno Pozorište Tuzla“